Sunday, February 21, 2010

were fucked.

white people watch yo backs cause were bout to get F9ed

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Terrible guido thursday

ok i know its early and the poll is still open for the other one but this was just to funny to pass on.

this is a wizards brother. who use to snowboard. WHAT HAPPEND!?
was it the abercrombie and fitch? or the hollister. either way.
fucking guido



Tuesday, February 16, 2010

filthy love

thank you jake durham

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baked ass Becker

hey Beck next time you may wanna set the pipe down before capturing some footy.

Baked ass Becker from Chris Duncan on Vimeo.

Magic Hair?

Reppin Muggles?

if you havent heard of or seen any magic hair propaganda you best hop on over to this link LURK IT!

sickest shirt ever?

Guido of the weak? i know its spelt wrong

So here is the new installement on the muggle blog,

we want your help finding the most baller? (we know they are lame) GTL guidos

up for this week heres some real guido lookin hollister wearing fucks
make sure to vote for who looks most guido out of all four a these chadbros

Well... here you go ya hater fucks

The muggles are...
Hairry Twatter
Cedric Jibbery
Fred Steazley
Severus Rape
Expect edits soon!!!
add hype here

droppin schlogs


Who the fuck are the muggles?

The Muggles is a crew of non-magical filthy jabrats that love to snowboard. Some wear ball huggers, and some are gangster as fuck. We have no money or magic, so we don't shower often. On the plus side of hands, we bathe in our schralp sweat juice err' day. FTW?