Friday, May 28, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gladeral's Subaru is dead. AAA blows.

On Saturday evening, the 60mph wind on the interstate was too much for the multicolored subaru we've come to know and love. This $500 wonder lasted me three years, racking up the mileage to 260k and I was planning on AAA towing it to a salvage yard to be crushed down, but after 2 hours of talking to salvage yards and AAA on the phone, I was informed that AAA only tows to repair shops. I promptly told AAA to go fuck themselves, and then spraypainted "Fuck AAA" on the inside of the back window so that thousands of cars would see my anti-AAA and MUGGLE billboard. After sitting for a total of 2 days, I came back to have a friend tow it, and the back window was smashed out. I suspect the culprit was either a AAA CEO, a soccer mom, or a highway patrolman.

Friday, May 7, 2010


shit. its in his name.

this guy is the boss of all bosses.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Muggles holding it down at Nordic last weekend

nordic mountain from Sam Duncan on Vimeo.

dudes went down to nordic mountain last weekend and looks like they had a blast, I went three years ago and it was a shit show, dudes punchin chics in the face and not getting cut off at the bar, only in wisco


Espinoza's got shit goin!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nicotine is a bitch

Hands down, the sickest event imaginable

Rumor has it, the ridge is designing a wallride feature that puts this set up to SHAME